Hoya carnosa Red Flower


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Hoya carnosa Red Flower
Thick green glossy leaves and delicate red waxy star-shaped scented flowers bloom from Autumn to Summer. Native to Eastern Asia and Australia. Perfect for hanging baskets or climbing up a totem pole.

Mature Height: 15cm
Mature Trailing Length:    2-4m

Outdoor Position: Part Shade / Shade
Indoor Position:    Bright spot with indirect light

Preferred Soil Type: Well Drained. We recommend using Superior Potting Mix for Indoor Plants.

Landscape Uses: Shady Garden, Climber, Fragrant Garden, Courtyard, Container / Pot / Hanging Basket, Under Trees, Indoor Plant

Ongoing Care: Only water when soil is dry. Liquid feed. Mulch. Slow-release fertiliser annually or as needed. We recommend Campbells Rustica Plus Fertiliser.

Decorative Planter Pots & Baskets shown in some photos with plants are not included in price but can be purchased separately.

Photos of plants shown on our website are a good representation of the actual plant for sale. Sometimes the actual plant for sale is shown, however, as we have hundreds of plants for sale, this is not always possible. Plants are living things, so the appearance of the plant on our website may differ slightly to the one you purchase. Every plant is unique, and their growth is seasonal.

Hoya carnosa Red Flower

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Hoya carnosa Red FlowerHoya carnosa Red Flower
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